Get To Know Bethel Baptist Church

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. We are a group of people committed to following Jesus. That means we worship him with vigor and joy. That means we encourage prayer in church and throughout life. That means we love people outside the church through generosity, invitation, and compassion.

Our hope is that all people will feel loved and welcomed at Bethel. And once here, we pray that people will meet God and as a result of meeting God, give their lives to Jesus Christ. We want that for you. Come as you are. Check us out, but more importantly, seek the truth of God that can only be known when one knows Jesus.

Time & Location

Our Sunday Morning Worship begins at 9:30am. We also invite you to our Word On Wednesday at 7pm.

Bethel Baptist Church Information

The mission of Bethel Baptist Church is to serve as a global witness to all.
Every Sunday at 9:30am (Sunday School is postponed until farther notice) Word on Wednesday at 6pm

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